Monthly Archives: April 2019

Nerium International Is Now Neora

The company formerly known as Nerium International is now NEORA. The change came in January 2019, as the company began a global rebranding that is giving center stage to their evolution. “Neora represents a new beginning for us as a company,” said Neora Founder & CEO Jeff Olson. “We’re taking all of the experience we’ve gained in the previous seven years, hitting the reset button, and creating something even better.”

The new Neora is striving to modernize their look, product line and compensation plan. Their Brand Partners are welcoming the new energy and new era for this cutting edge company. For more information, please visit: or go directly to some of our favorite reps.

Meet Christine Cassidy ~ Neora Brand Partner in Key West, Florida
Hello, I’m Christine Cassidy. Neora can help you live your best life, and I am happy to be your resource for looking, feeling and living your best! Our comprehensive, age-fighting line combines the best of science and nature to deliver proven results, transforming how you look on the outside and feel on the inside.

Meet Tammy Manley ~ Neora Brand Partner in Dublin, Ohio
I am passionately in love with what I do thanks to Neora, I work full-time with this company and am growing my team. I love to share products, help, and teach people how to grow their business. I am happily married and my Husband supports me in this Business and I am blessed to be able to be at a point in my life where my kids are raised. Neora has the most amazing products based on Science. Real Science, Real Products, Real Results, Blessed to Have Jeff Olson as our CEO. He wrote the top selling book The Slight Edge. Neora is the No.1 Consumer Products And Services Company in the Inc 500 list of Americas fastest-growing private companies and we are only getting started. This company has changed my life and my skin.

Meet Dr. April Martin ~ Neora Brand Partner in Lancaster, Tennessee
I joined Nerium International in December 2013 and have not looked back! I had never worked in network marketing before until Nerium, but I love it! I am a mother of 2 and work full time as an educator at a local university. I would love to tell you more about our breakthrough products and/or the business opportunity!
I can help anyone in the United States, Canada, and Mexico to order our products or begin a business with the company. Nerium International is now Neora. It is an anti-aging skincare company that is based on REAL results and REAL results! Several years ago, during skin cancer research at MD Anderson, and accidental discovery was made! A treatment using extracts from the Nerium Oleander plant had side effects of tightening of the skin and the rest is history! Now, you will probably search around on the internet and find a few articles that say our product is toxic, but you need to know these are totally false. There are several varieties of the Nerium Oleander plant. The one used to make the Nerium AD products is from the red flowering Nerium plant and is not toxic. Plus, I have been using the product for over a year and I’m still around!! Why do people love the Nerium products? Because they WORK!! Plus, they are simple. It only takes one or two steps to better looking skin instead of using multiple products.

Meet Kathy Barnhart ~ Neora Brand Partner in Olympia, Washington
I have been using Nerium AD / now NEORA for 7 years. It is an amazing product that will deal with multiple skin issues: Fine Lines and Wrinkles, Discoloration, Uneven skin texture Enlarged Pores and aging or Loose Skin. For me, the uneven skin texture and redness in my face is remarkably better. What I like the most is how much better I feel about myself. Nerium AD / now NEORA was developed by a biotech company for skin cancer. After 14 years testing “trial subjects” in a 30 day sampling and having the test subjects say they want the product — they finally decided to find a way to bring it to the market. We get a 10% – 60% average improvement in a 30 day period with a 30 day money back guarantee. This is the first company where they care about the customer more than the bottom line!

More information about this change can be found at